One of my favourite species is the false killer whale, for no other reason than for its name. Here are some false killer whale-related facts (all courtesy of Wikipedia): False killer whales are not in fact whales, but cetaceans, and neither are killer whales. Both species kill dolphins, which seems a bit mean. Give a… Continue reading Taximisnomy
Month: October 2005
You’ll be hearing from my liars…
The following text appeared in this morning’s MediaGuardian email, referring to a story in both the Telegraph and the Mirror: The BBC’s inquiry into John Humphrys’ alleged comments about ministers being lawyers amounted to a single phone call, the Today presenter claimed yesterday. While it is a simple matter of record that a number of… Continue reading You’ll be hearing from my liars…
Verdant blog
Font changed, as least for a trial. Happy, Richard? 🙂