Well, that’s three less fags tomorrow. The Northern Line was a nightmare last night, as it has been to a greater or lesser extent all week; I caught the very last train home before they shut the whole line down and even that was touch and go. And what’s being done about it? Well, the… Continue reading Unnaccountable Ken
Month: October 2005
Tax Commission Response 1: Principles
One of the reasons I decided to resume blogging was that the Lib Dems have a number of major policy consultations going on at the moment and I thought this would be a good place to develop my personal responses. Rather than write it all in one go however, I thought it might be better… Continue reading Tax Commission Response 1: Principles
The Left versus Liberalism 2
In my post on Sunday, I forgot to include a fairly important point: The Left abuses liberalism at is peril. Despite the tendency for socialism to disregard individual liberty, I have no doubt that the majority of left-wingers don’t want to see us end up with a Police State. Yet every time they portray negative… Continue reading The Left versus Liberalism 2