Clean Up Westminster petition

Noble though this cleanupwestminster petition is, it’s a shame they didn’t pay more attention to the grammar: We, the undersigned, believe that there should be no further appointments to the House of Lords until the current investigations have run their course; and the possibility of corruption has been removed from Westminster; and Parliament behaves with… Continue reading Clean Up Westminster petition

Why is The Left so self-obsessed

Matthew Turner has provided us with a handy cut-out-and-keep guide to the Decent Left, i.e. that disparate bunch of leftish bloggers who have embraced neo-conservativism. Three major new initiatives in less than a year. What is notable is that, despite their obsession with their old comrades, they are using all their old techniques of setting… Continue reading Why is The Left so self-obsessed

Not big or clever

I’ve been having fun today with the new suite of House of Lords related functions launched by those programming elves behind Public Whip, TheyWorkForYou and WriteToThem. Child that I am, I couldn’t resist looking up to see which Lord has used the most “f” words. It turns out that just one Lord has used this… Continue reading Not big or clever