I’ve just found that when you type the word “procrastinating” in your Facebook status update, the website adds a space before the “g” at the end for no apparent reason. Why is this?
By the way, if you got a dictionary out and looked up “procrastinating” this blog post would be there.
UPDATE: The space is gone. What is this crazy shit? Is the government sending radio signals in my brain again?
UPDATE 2: It’s back again! See below:
And now it’s gone again:
Is there some really subtle or postmodern joke in this post that I’m not getting? Your blog is inside the dictionary on my bookshelf??
No. My biscuit joke is subtle and postmodern. This post is relatively straightforward. Try it if you don’t believe me (that is, the typing of procrastinating on Facebook not the dictionary thing).
Gah! Mine’s doing it now (though with the word “ummmmmmmmm”, not procrastinating). It must be word length.
It;’ likely to be some minor bug in the computer program which makes this work, maybe whoever wrote it took a shortcut which means it doesn’t always deal correctly with words of 15 of more characters.
An ex-girlfriend once accused me of “always procrastinating”.
I was going to look up what it meant but I couldn’t be arsed.
This madness must stop I tell you!