What’s the bloody use in a mouse that can catch a cold? Why don’t scientists do something more useful, or at least more ironic, such as engineering a mouse that can catch a cat?
What’s the bloody use in a mouse that can catch a cold? Why don’t scientists do something more useful, or at least more ironic, such as engineering a mouse that can catch a cat?
I hope you’re just trying to be funny 😉
No, I’m not trying to be funny. I really do want scientists to genetically engineer giant, super-intelligent mice which can catch cats, and unleash them upon the world.
What part of my post made you think I was joking?
No, I of course took that as serious, who wouldn’t want that to happen, as well as tap dancing spiders.
I of course meant apparently not seeing the benefits of giving mice a cold, though perhaps I should feel sheepish now 😛
Scientists should definitely be more attuned to the needs of this nation’s satirists, who after the floods of the Blair years, are facing a serious drought of good material to work with.