The Carnival on Modern Liberty #5

This is now live, courtesy of the Wardman Wire. I will be compiling the pre-Convention edition next week, over on Liberal Conspiracy. If you would like to host the Carnival for an edition after the Convention, email me at I am, I have to confess, looking out especially for non-Lib Dems.

Only an idiot would ever agree with Daniel Kawczynski

Over on LabourList, Tom Guise cites five examples which suggest that my favourite Tory MP Daniel Kawczynski is a couple of strawberry creams short of a Quality Street selection box. He could have added Kawczynski’s bizarre attack on the BBC and the “liberal elite” for waging a propaganda war against Poles (but not the Daily… Continue reading Only an idiot would ever agree with Daniel Kawczynski

Three things for your attention

Firstly, I just thought I would direct people to my piece defending the Convention on Modern Liberty and its “outrageous” decision to be cross-party. It has had an interestingly muted response. The most fascinating one was from Sadie Smith whose paraphrase of my article was that I defined anyone who is boycotting the Convention “because… Continue reading Three things for your attention