A spokesman for Simon Hughes said: “My feelings – as usual – we will slaughter them all.” |
Quoth Mr Hughes:
Although the race is close, the evidence is that I have a slight lead with the other two battling it out for second place.
Good luck to Simon, and I’m really pleased for him if he’s feeling confident. But please. What evidence?
The evidence may be flawed, indeed I think we can all agree that to at least some extent it is, but it all points towards a close fight between Huhne and Campbell. Every opinion poll of actual members, as opposed to supporters, suggests this. The punters tend to agree, with the lowest available odds on a Hughes victory currently standing at 12/1.
There is a fine line between self-confidence and self-delusion. Guido has a rather poorly phrased joke on his blog today, which nonetheless sums it up:
Q. What’s the connection between Simon Hughes and his Nokia phone?
A. They are both Finnish.
The phrasing was deliberate – its a “street” thing.
Your visual joke is better. Will steal.
The “lowest odds”? You can get 30/1!
Surely it would be “Them IS both Finnish, init”
Only 12/1. Gosh I got longer odds on Willie winning Dunfermline.
At that was with only 2 days to go let alone 2 weeks.
You’re right Stephen. Maybe ALL the evidence is wrong. But that is not the same thing as saying that ALL the evidence points towards a Hughes win.
The best evidence is clear for all to see on the Candidates’ websites. Simon is around 300 ahead of Ming in terms of people signing up and Chris is even further behind.
LOL! Is this some kind of wind up? If a random sample of members using the internet cannot be relied on for reliable indication, then a list of self-selecting Hughes supporters is even worse!
Jock! Yes dats it!
This is very funny and i did laugh.out loud. but you are a very naughty boy.
Fortunately James is also not the Messiah.