Praguetory has tagged me with Matt Wardman’s Brown Meme. Unlike a lot of memes, this one seems to have the potential for an interesting debate, so here goes:
* 2 things Gordon Brown should be proud of.
– Helping to make Labour electable
– (Most of) Labour’s constitutional reform agenda in their first term of office – although none of it was as systematic or as well thought out as it needed to be.
* 2 things he should apologise for.
– Helping to make Labour electable (too cheap I know – this one doesn’t count)
– The tax credits fiasco
– The PFI fiasco
– The monstrous centralising target culture
* 2 things that he should do immediately when he becomes PM.
– Declare an intention to establish a fully elected second chamber – and follow through quickly.
– Restart the SFO’s Al-Yamamah arms deal investigation
* 2 things he should do while he is PM.
– Establish a Citizens’ Constitutional Convention
– Reform municipal taxation, decentralising local government revenue, scrapping council tax and introducing a system of site value rating as part of a package of measures of fiscal measures which local authorities could use to raise their own money.
I have to tag eight people, which will be Anthony Barnett, Stephen Tall, Tristan Mills, Duncan Hames, Jock Coats, the Millennium Elephant, Tom Papworth and Ming Campbell.
Thanks, James – response here:
What’s all this about? What’s a meme?
You could click on the link marked “Brown meme” or you could Google it.