Stephen Fry has pronounced the death of classical liberalism. As someone who watched their political party destroy itself after dredging up that ossified Victorian ideology up from the deep and find itself as coalition bedfellows with those who have always been liberalism’s (of all varieties) greatest opponents, I can only cheer. But I do find… Continue reading Stephen Fry’s fence sitting is dangerous but a stupid idea
Author: James Graham
Brexit and the austerity paradox
Here’s a conundrum. I think it is widely understood now that at least one major factor for why the Remain side lost in the EU referendum campaign was that a significant number of people in the poorest parts of the country did not feel that they enjoyed any of the economic benefits of being a… Continue reading Brexit and the austerity paradox
Brexit: if you think Corbyn is the problem, you haven’t been paying attention
I don’t think I’ve ever been as appalled by UK politics as I am at this point. That the Leave campaign won the referendum on a pack of lies is a fact in this post-fact world that even its own leaders have implicitly acknowledged by their equivocations, downcast faces and vanishing acts. We are in… Continue reading Brexit: if you think Corbyn is the problem, you haven’t been paying attention