A spokesman for Simon Hughes said: “My feelings – as usual – we will slaughter them all.” Quoth Mr Hughes: Although the race is close, the evidence is that I have a slight lead with the other two battling it out for second place. Good luck to Simon, and I’m really pleased for him if… Continue reading Simon’s Dodgy Dossier
Author: James Graham
Why I’m not willing to be part of this coalition
MatGB has written a number of provocative posts about the need to develop a “coalition of the willing” to fight the “New Labour project” (hat tip: Nick Barlow). I’m afraid I’m not convinced by all this at all, and so I thought I’d spell out why. To start with, one of the best bits of… Continue reading Why I’m not willing to be part of this coalition
Renewing Liberal Britain
A couple of weeks ago I critiqued Jeremy Hargreaves’ take on what the Lib Dems’ narrative should be. But it isn’t good enough simply to criticise; far too few people are taking part in this crucial debate and so I thought it was time to try and work out some tentative ideas of my own.… Continue reading Renewing Liberal Britain