Simon’s Dodgy Dossier

A spokesman for Simon Hughes said: “My feelings – as usual – we will slaughter them all.” Quoth Mr Hughes: Although the race is close, the evidence is that I have a slight lead with the other two battling it out for second place. Good luck to Simon, and I’m really pleased for him if… Continue reading Simon’s Dodgy Dossier

Why I’m not willing to be part of this coalition

MatGB has written a number of provocative posts about the need to develop a “coalition of the willing” to fight the “New Labour project” (hat tip: Nick Barlow). I’m afraid I’m not convinced by all this at all, and so I thought I’d spell out why. To start with, one of the best bits of… Continue reading Why I’m not willing to be part of this coalition

Renewing Liberal Britain

A couple of weeks ago I critiqued Jeremy Hargreaves’ take on what the Lib Dems’ narrative should be. But it isn’t good enough simply to criticise; far too few people are taking part in this crucial debate and so I thought it was time to try and work out some tentative ideas of my own.… Continue reading Renewing Liberal Britain