According to the Guardian, he said today: “The 50p top tax rate is now looking in international terms quite uncompetitive . . . and there are alternative ways of being redistributive.” I certainly agree with the second point, although I think the first can be overblown. While it is hardly a policy announcement, it is… Continue reading Huhne wavers on supertax pledge
Author: James Graham
Scrap the Ministry of Fun?
I’ve been thinking about this for a while, and this story (via this bloke) has got me thinking again: if the Lib Dems would abolish the DTI, then why not abolish the Department of Media, Culture and Sport at the same time? I’m not suggesting, as Tim seems to imply (not that I’m putting words… Continue reading Scrap the Ministry of Fun?
Only 24 hours left to save the Earth!
I see there is now a Stop Ming weblog. Fair enough, but I wish these people didn’t do this anonymously. At least it gives me licence to make ungenerous comments like, is this the person to stop him? See? Childish.