You’ve got to laugh: The plot to destroy the Monarchy began with the disenfranchisement of the Peerage and the emasculation of the House of Lords. In 1997, when Labour ended twenty years of Conservative Party rule in Britain, the Peers served as a partial check on the powers of the Lower House of Parliament. Between… Continue reading Blair’s secret plot to abolish the monarchy
Author: James Graham
Pity the rich
The usual suspects have taken over tehgrauniad letters column. Andy Mayer has an interesting argument: It is regrettable that Charles Kennedy has not yet seen the light on the 50p tax rate (Kennedy plans policy shift on taxation to woo floating voters, November 19). Aside from the usual arguments about taxing aspiration there is the… Continue reading Pity the rich
Fairy tale taxation policies
I had almost forgotten to comment on this: Charles Kennedy is to drop the Liberal Democrats’ commitment to increased total taxation in favour of a more flexible strategy which matches Labour’s spending but still makes the rich pay more. The Lib Dem leader and his economics team are determined to abandon the position they have… Continue reading Fairy tale taxation policies