This piece on Newsnight should make anyone with any democratic instincts feel queasy about how politics is conducted in Westminster.
Author: James Graham
Taking the piss?
A bizarre little row has emerged on P-7, with Downing Street officials accused of mopping up some of the more colourful language used by Tony Blair at his press conference. It’s interesting at how the BBC reported this however, claiming that Blair said that he would be “reduced to ‘a little puddle of water’.” This… Continue reading Taking the piss?
Nutty bonkers
A hil-arious student has launched a pledge intended to get Boris Johnson elected as leader of the Tories. Rah! Isn’t that precious? UPDATE: My conscience forces me to admit that I am being completely hypocritical here as I attempted to use pledgebank recently to encourage traffic to a website called kittenwar (not as cruel as… Continue reading Nutty bonkers