Welcome to Pant Watch. Pant Watch exists to chronicle the dying days of the Blair administration. Technically, we are now at P-8, P-1 being the day that Steve Bell published this cartoon showing Blair wearing John Major’s pants of power. To be sure, Bell has portrayed Blair as a pant-wearer before, most memorably here, but… Continue reading Pant Watch: the Grand Coalition
Author: James Graham
A rose by any other name…
The Centre for Reform has changed its name to the Centre for Um. Sounds a bit reticent to me.
Irony Blair
I’ll shut up about political ironies soon, I promise, but I forgot about Blair claiming that it was “better to be right and lose than to be wrong and win.” Very Old Labour. SNORT! And then we have the Great Leader accusing MPs of being “out of touch” – this being the man who took… Continue reading Irony Blair