A few thoughts from my morning BBC trawl: Does it take a lame duck to know one? In light of my earlier comments it would be churlish of me not to mention the Scottish Green’s stance on air quality. This is the sort of anti-politics nonsense that none of us need. Even the most swivel… Continue reading News commentary
Author: James Graham
Samuel Johnson on the Tory Leadership Ballot
Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel There is much speculation as to who he could have been referring to.
Humanitarian Intervention Index
Matthew Turner has updated his Humanitarian Intervention Index (I don’t remember him doing a first version). While satirical in intent and fascinating to examine, Matt should be careful here. Think of King Cnut and his commanding back the waves stunt. Think of Michael Young and his criticism of what he identified as “meritocracy”. In both… Continue reading Humanitarian Intervention Index