With both Tony Blair and John Prescott away, it would appear that Geoff Hoon is running the country. PANIC!!! Seriously, they can’t BOTH be away can they? When was the last time that neither of them turned up to PMQs? Surely the point of having a deputy is that when the boss is away, the… Continue reading He’s already buggered Iraq, don’t put in him charge here!
Author: James Graham
New opposition tactic: agree with everything
Whatever doubts I may have about Labour’s new proposals on education, I will agree with Jonathan Calder on one thing: it is entirely consistent for the Tories to agree with them. Cameron is quite right to point out that after eight years we appear to be right back to Grant Maintained Status. Cameron’s tactic is… Continue reading New opposition tactic: agree with everything
Tax Commission Response 3: Devolution
I’m massively behind schedule on my attempt to blog the Lib Dems’ Tax Commission (pdf), so without further ado… This chapter is basically wrapped around a single proposal. That is, to radically shift the tax burden of local authorities from 20% local taxes / 80% national government to 80%/20%. In principle, I absolutely applaud this… Continue reading Tax Commission Response 3: Devolution