Via Jonathan Calder, I bring you Tim Ireland’s Art of Looking Concerned. It’s easy to take the piss when it’s Tories, but I’m uncomfortably aware that a) this is the sort of thing that the Lib Dems run extensive training courses on at conferences, etc. and b) that I began looking at the photos from… Continue reading Campaign Photos 101
Author: James Graham
Survival of the fittest
I warmly welcome Lord Redesdale’s suggestion that the UK’s entire 14,000 population of morris dancers should open the Olympic Ceremony. The only rider I would add is that only one should be allowed to leave.
One of my favourite species is the false killer whale, for no other reason than for its name. Here are some false killer whale-related facts (all courtesy of Wikipedia): False killer whales are not in fact whales, but cetaceans, and neither are killer whales. Both species kill dolphins, which seems a bit mean. Give a… Continue reading Taximisnomy