The nice people who brought you They Work For You, Write to Them and Public Whip have finally launched Hear From Your MP, a website designed to encourage MPs to keep two-way contact with their constituents.
Author: James Graham
I wouldn’t join any cult that would have me as a member…
I got the latest issue of the British Humanist Association‘s newsletter in the post today. Weird, since I don’t recall asking for a copy. As a secularist and an atheist, I happen to also believe that data protection is a pretty important thing as well, so whoever decided to pass on my contact details, bad… Continue reading I wouldn’t join any cult that would have me as a member…
Tax Commission Response 2: Personal Taxation
My first tax commission response post proved to be a modest success resulting in quite a few useful comments. This post deals with the next section. The third chapter of the consultation paper (pdf) deals with personal taxation, leaving aside local taxation which is dealt with in the following chapter. Here we deal with the… Continue reading Tax Commission Response 2: Personal Taxation