Tory candidates put on watch

This is probably little more than pre-election nerves, but Michael Crick has been having fun with it: The Conservative Party high command is so worried about some of David Cameron’s Parliamentary candidates that they’ve started holding meetings every two weeks to monitor what they call a “watch-list” of those “have the potential to embarrass the… Continue reading Tory candidates put on watch

Nine wishes for 2009 #4: An end to “money for nothing”

I’ve spent days resisting blogging this wish because, quite frankly, I don’t think it will happen. But it certainly is a dearest wish, so it makes the cut. What I mean by “money for nothing” is the tendency of the late 20th and early 21st century to look at everything as if it were capital… Continue reading Nine wishes for 2009 #4: An end to “money for nothing”

Heretical Thinking

Sue Blackmore reports on a pledge which I hadn’t heard of but certainly will comply with, undertaking to write to the BBC and request that they allow atheists, humanists and “brights” (sorry, cannot bring myself to use that term unironically) to speak on Thought for the Day. The difference between Blackmore’s sensible approach, and the… Continue reading Heretical Thinking