So claims Peter Oborne, something which appears to have got the Tories into a right tizzy. Stephen Tall at Lib Dem Voice has debunked most of it so I will try to avoid repeating what he has said. It should also be pointed out that Clegg in particular has been linked to rumours (also by… Continue reading A secret Lib-Lab plot?
Category: politics and life
Nine wishes for 2009 #3: The State’s assault on Civil Liberties to begin to reverse
2008 was the year in which the gaff was well and truly blown on the government’s relentless drive to have every one of us “pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed and numbered.” Starting with the data leaks scandals at the end of 2007, we had a steady trickle of revelations about how the Regulation of… Continue reading Nine wishes for 2009 #3: The State’s assault on Civil Liberties to begin to reverse
Quaequam Blog! in 2008
2008 was a thoroughly bemusing year for me. I found very little to inspire me politically and I think this blog has suffered as a result. If I began the year with an excess of optimism, the opposite seems to be the case by the end of the year. It was a year where the… Continue reading Quaequam Blog! in 2008