Snipes on a Plane

Over on Comment is Free: The generous interpretation is that Clegg, like both Kennedy and Ashdown before him, needs to fight a general election before he can expect to acquire a decent public profile. Broadly speaking, I happen to still believe that. But while Clegg, the odd blip aside, isn’t the liability his opponents might… Continue reading Snipes on a Plane

Dangerous Complacency over the Damian Green affair

Sniping at Tory mendacity aside, I can’t help but feel a palpable sense of complacency in the Observer today over the Damian Green affair. First up, we have the normally sensible Vernon Bogdanor. WTF? It doesn’t take a Professor of Government at Oxford University to tell you that the police actions were constitutional. The “virtue”… Continue reading Dangerous Complacency over the Damian Green affair

The return of clear blue water? I’m bored already

As regular readers of this blog will be able to testify, whenever I say nice things about the other parties, it always comes back to bite me in the bum. So it was that I backed Caroline Spelman and Ray Lewis, shortly before it became clear their actions were indefensible. And last weekend I wrote… Continue reading The return of clear blue water? I’m bored already