Neil Trafford

I can’t claim to have been especially close to Neil Trafford, but learning of his death quite upset me this evening. Neil and I were roughly the same age and the same generation politically. Our paths criss-crossed – he was involved in LDYS when I was more heavily involved in Manchester politics and he became… Continue reading Neil Trafford

Cutting tax is not a zero sum game

I’m cautiously optimistic about the rumoured plan of a 2.5% drop in VAT. It sounds like a good move to me, for several reasons. One thing a VAT cut won’t do is lead automatically to a reduction in prices. Most food isn’t VAT-rated and it is hard to believe that a CD priced £9.99 this… Continue reading Cutting tax is not a zero sum game


A couple of days ago I heard about this new LOLGRIFFIN thing and thought I’d have a go. First I came up with this: But apparently it had to be related to this Nick Griffin feller. So I did this: moar funny pictures … but it didn’t make the grade either. Pfff…