Who will be the next Welsh Lib Dem Leader?

I’ve written another Comment is Free article on this very subject: Make no mistake: this election is no shoo-in for either candidate. They are both extremely strong contenders. At its heart, it has become quickly apparent that this election, more than any other in recent years, is going to be about what the Liberal Democrats… Continue reading Who will be the next Welsh Lib Dem Leader?


Related to my previous post, I was a little disappointed by this article, which promised so much yet failed to deliver. The last time the Democrats controlled the White House and both houses of Congress, Gillian Anderson wore pants. There were two Star Trek series at once, which promoted women and minorities and looked at… Continue reading Futurbama

Ros Scott: it wos the internet wot won it

I was rather irritated this morning to read this article on the Guardian website which, apart from ignoring whole aspects of the internet campaigning (about which I may blog later, but may not), included this sentence: A more colourful Lib Dem, Lembit Opik, has been using Facebook in his bid for the party leadership. Even… Continue reading Ros Scott: it wos the internet wot won it