Sooner or later, someone is going to come up with the idea of a story about two wizards – a hirsute, midlander who worships a made up god and dapper suited, bald Glaswegian chaos magician – and the bitter feud between them. The real life story about the animosity between the UK’s greatest living comics… Continue reading Taking sides in the Grant Morrison / Alan Moore cosmic feud
Category: politics and life
Three thoughts about Police and Crime Commissioner elections…
You can’t politicise the police any more than they have politicised themselves Every time the Association of Chief Police Officers, the Police Federation or someone like Lord Blair complains about the “politicisation” of the police, the Baby Jesus cries. The police have always been political, and over the last decade have become quite shameless about… Continue reading Three thoughts about Police and Crime Commissioner elections…
Andreas Whittam Smith and why Democracy 2015 should be called Technocracy 2015
I’ve been following the development of Democracy 2015 in a professional and personal capacity since it launched this summer and listened with interest to Andreas Whittam Smith’s speech at the Unlock Democracy AGM on Saturday. Sadly as a result of Whittam Smith’s speech on Saturday I’ve been forced to reassess the project, away from a… Continue reading Andreas Whittam Smith and why Democracy 2015 should be called Technocracy 2015