What’s left of what I believe

The main reason I’ve allowed this blog to fall into misuse over the past couple of years is that I stopped writing about politics. While my original concept behind this blog was always to write in the intersection between politics and geekery, at some point – specifically in May 2010 – I decided I could… Continue reading What’s left of what I believe

(Inter)National Blog Posting Month

It’s November, and I’ve decided to set myself two tasks. The first is to take part in Movember, partly to raise money for prostate cancer research but mainly because I reckon I can kick my colleagues’ fellow moustache growing attempts thanks to my swarthy Mediterranean genes. But the other thing I’m planning to do is… Continue reading (Inter)National Blog Posting Month

Clegg and coalition six months on

The fact that Lib Dem conference is rapidly approaching means that I have a semi-anniversary of my own to mark. It’s now been just over six months since I left the Lib Dems. Life after party politics How do I feel? I’ve had a tough, and at times frustrating half year: negotiating the fineries of… Continue reading Clegg and coalition six months on