Have you noticed how, since Gordon Brown took over, politics has acquired something of an edge? Of course, there was the Ealing Southall silliness, in which the political blogosphere became obsessed with spin and counter-spin (mea culpa, feeble “I didn’t start it” excuses notwithstanding). Now, with the dead tree press’ traditional silly season in full… Continue reading The froth has started
Category: politics and life
They come over ‘ere and ban our abattoirs…
Via Lynne Featherstone and Natalie Hayne‘s article in the Times today about the teaching unions’ attempts to ban YouTube, I came across this press release on the BNP’s website: “Pork rain” complaints from pushy Muslims More evidence that Muslims haven’t settled in Britain to adopt to our ways, but instead continue to push their own… Continue reading They come over ‘ere and ban our abattoirs…
I was expecting the BBC’s new iPlayer to have launched by the time I returned from my hols, thus allowing me to catch up on Heroes. Instead, it would appear they have little more than a beta version (how long has this thing been in development? Certainly long enough to produce an omega version!), which… Continue reading ican’tplayer