Excellent analysis of Cameron’s woes in the Sunday Telegraph today. What I find endlessly fascinating is the Conservative Party’s almost limitless capacity for self-destruction. Even when Campbell was having trouble a couple of months ago, the limit of dissent was a couple of bloggers shooting their mouths off. By contrast, at least 2, possibly 6… Continue reading Tories hit self destruct button. Again.
Category: politics and life
Just not Wicket
I’ve just heard that the Tories have shortlisted Warwick Lightfoot, star of Return of the Jedi, Willow and, of course, Leprechaun, for their candidate for London Mayor. I’ve always been a big fan of his work. Seems like just the candidate to stuff Boris. After all, look as the mess he made of that Scout… Continue reading Just not Wicket
My favourite Ealing Southall leaflet
This is my favourite leaflet from the campaign (click on it to enlarge). It was being delivered on the morning of polling day in particularly leafy part of Southall near the Grand Union Canal (for the record, I picked these two examples up from the street). Why is it in so-bad-its-good territory? Well, the message… Continue reading My favourite Ealing Southall leaflet