Seriously, although I am of course referring to his leadership of the party rather than is status as MP for Montgomeryshire. It’s nothing personal, but as I said last week, the Leader of the Welsh Liberal Democrats can’t be a separate post from the party’s Shadow Welsh Secretary in the Commons and the Leader of… Continue reading Lembit must resign!!!
Category: politics and life
Labour Rentamob hits Ealing
A video from the Labour Thug POV: What genuinely confuses me is why Labour persist in thinking that these tactics of bullying and intimidation are good campaign techniques. Does anyone watch that video and think “Ha ha! They got Gideon Osbourne good and proper there!”?
The Lab-Con Hokey Kokey
You put your right leg in, your right leg out, in, out, in, out, shake it all about… There is a serious side to all this. The degree by which the Tory and Labour camps in Ealing Southall are attempting to manipulate the Sikh and other communities is truly breathtaking. More to the point, I’m… Continue reading The Lab-Con Hokey Kokey