For the time being, I will be scaling back the political content of this blog. For better or worse, the current debate raging about Lib-Lab deals, and my day job as a press officer for an organisation campaigning for democratic reform have come into direct conflict. As such, I’m going to have to be much… Continue reading Announcement: this blog is now an opinion-free zone (sort of)
Category: politics and life
Deny everything, Baldrick (UPDATE)
For me, the most interesting thing about the Guardian’s exclusive today about Lib-Lab talks is that it is credited to an anonymous “staff writer.” Clearly whoever wrote it (Wintour? White? Mulholland?) considered it so explosive that they didn’t want to alienate their sources by being outed as the author. The other interesting aspect is the… Continue reading Deny everything, Baldrick (UPDATE)
Government to force ‘vulnerable’ to pay double for digital TV?
Somebody please tell me this isn’t true: The Government is asking pensioners and disabled people to pay £40 towards the cost of the digital switchover, despite digital boxes being available for as little as £20. Government figures have revealed that up to four million people will be asked to contribute a total of £160m towards… Continue reading Government to force ‘vulnerable’ to pay double for digital TV?