When is a boycott not a boycott?

You spot some funny things on Facebook. Today, I come across the group “Boycott Channel Four Advertisers“: To boycott any company that advertises during the ‘Diana in the Tunnel’ programme. If Channel uses the photo of Diana dying the then advertisers who appear during the advert breaks should be boycotted. Er, except that to know… Continue reading When is a boycott not a boycott?

Charley Junior’s School Days

I’ve just come across this public information film from 1949 (or try here) about the post-war education reforms. With hindsight, I’m a bit ambivalent about the politics, but the sentiment is touching, and the quality of the animation is breath-taking. Remember: this is a public information film. I was looking for a different one involving… Continue reading Charley Junior’s School Days

Nogo for Logo

I’m not the most sporty person in the world, and as such I’ve tended to keep my mouth shut about the ever escalating costs of the London Olympics lest I be dismissed as a killjoy. But the unveiling of their new logo today does suggest that collective insanity has broken out amongst the Olympics planners.… Continue reading Nogo for Logo