More grist to the School Voucher debate mill: The number of surplus school places in England has risen to 758,000 – the highest level since 1998. This is the equivalent of more than 2,000 average-sized primary and 250 secondary schools lying empty. Later on it states that 12% of Primary School places and 7% of… Continue reading Surplus School Places
Category: politics and life
Different country, same old Conservatives
Full marks to the Young Liberals of Canada for these fantastic adverts, managing to spoof both those annoying Mac adverts and the Conservatives’ constant attempts to rebrand themselves as something they’re not (sound familiar?). Enjoy!
That GLA candidate list: time for a change?
The GLA candidate list has been causing a stink on Lib Dem Voice. On the plus side, and this needs stating because it is a genuine achievement, the list has a good gender balance with 2 of the top 3 candidates women and a good proportion of women further down the list. Indeed, in the… Continue reading That GLA candidate list: time for a change?