Last night’s Eurovision Song Contest was the first I’d sat all the way through in years. Cheesy pop isn’t my thing, ironically detached or not. What I saw remained not my thing, but it wasn’t the sort of frothy nonsense that exists in the British public’s imagination either. This is something that appears to upset… Continue reading What part of ‘Eurovision’ don’t you understand?
Category: politics and life
The Liberal Democrats’ mark of Cain
Liberal Democrat Voice has transformed itself into the unofficial ‘sack Ming Campbell’ campaign. To be fair, I don’t blame the editors of Voice themselves for this – they are only posting the contributions they have received and if individuals such as myself choose to respond on their own blogs rather than on that site, it… Continue reading The Liberal Democrats’ mark of Cain
File under ‘No Shit, Sherlock’
From the BBC: Teenagers who drink alcohol with their parents in moderation are less likely to binge drink, research suggests. Hopefully, what little credibility Alcohol Concern had before today has now completely evaporated.