Madeleine McCann – is there something we should know?

I’m getting increasingly suspicious about the media management of the Madeleine McCann story. Something tells me that there is something quite significant that we aren’t being told and that the family has had professional help in ensuring that only a carefully crafted and sympathetic narrative is recounted by the mass media. Firstly, there is the… Continue reading Madeleine McCann – is there something we should know?

Labour tat

The official Labour website is selling a range of merchandise to tie-in with the leadership election. A sweepstakes to win tickets to the ballot declaration is fair enough, but who on earth would want a mug or a badge with a “purple leadership election logo” on it? Frankly, it’s time for Mr Cullen to get… Continue reading Labour tat

Blairying Bad News

From the redoubtable Home Office Watch: It has just been announced in today’s parliamentary business that the ID cards cost report – which the government was legally obliged (I repeat, legally obliged) to publish 31 days ago – is to be published today. You couldn’t make it up really, could you?