Those election results: hmmm…

Notwithstanding the understandable effervescence emanating from the party’s results service, I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that, overall, the elections yesterday were not very good for the Lib Dems. With over a hundred councils still to declare (at least according to the BBC), it is hard to conclude anything much… Continue reading Those election results: hmmm…

Harehills Labour? Again?

I realise I’m coming to this very late, but I’ve been busy. My first reaction when I heard that Labour had been allegedly caught out fixing postal votes in the Gipton and Harehills Ward in Leeds was “Harehills? Again?”. I’m amazed they’ve apparently been caught out doing this in a ward where their political rivals… Continue reading Harehills Labour? Again?

Salmond proposes an independence loop-de-loop

You may have noticed I gave myself a miliband or two of wriggle room when I said that my Friday post on Scotland was ‘possibly’ my last one. Euan Ferguson’s hagiographic, and appallingly badly written, article about Alex Salmond in the Observer today got me hopping: The border, slow epoxy, is setting. Every indication, every… Continue reading Salmond proposes an independence loop-de-loop