My newfound Scots Nats pals are going to hate me for saying this, but this is an interesting bit of spin from the SNP: Party sources have pointed out there might be “advantages” to Mr Salmond remaining in the House of Commons beyond the next General Election. Nationalist thinking appears to be that remaining as… Continue reading Salmond fishing
Category: politics and life
Deal or No Deal?
Oh dear, oh dear. It was all going so well. I wasn’t at party conference and was having a nice lazy lie in when Ming’s speech was going on, but I’ve been following how the BBC’s line on his “five tests” for Gordon Brown has been developing. And it ain’t good. Ming began his leadership… Continue reading Deal or No Deal?
UKIP and Blair feel the heat
It just doesn’t seem to get any easier for UKIP, with today’s papers revealing that a) the party had already investigated Tom Wise, found problems and then sat on it and that b) one of their NEC members is an associate of BNP leader Nick Griffin – and a donor. Establishment plot to discredit them… Continue reading UKIP and Blair feel the heat