What happens when a former Health Minister and Home Office Minister get together? That’s right, they come up with a grandiose IT project that, um, doesn’t work. (or at least, I’ve been trying to look at it for the past hour with no joy apart from briefly seeing a picture of some prepubescent girl looking… Continue reading Former Ministerial Incompetence
Category: politics and life
Blair is Gandhi in reverse
It’s occurred to me that Tony Blair is living one of Gandhi’s maxims out, but in reverse. First he won. Then people got angry with him. Now people are laughing at him. And then…?
A Very British Wedge Strategy
I meant to blog about this article yesterday but hey, don’t you know there’s a war on? As a summary of the various arguments currently raging between what is often oversimplified as faith groups and secularists, it isn’t too bad. But unfortunately, it is also guilty of a moral relativism and lazy journalistic notions about… Continue reading A Very British Wedge Strategy