I meant to report back from the “Tribes or Causes: Can we campaign across party boundaries?” session at the Fabian conference last week but, as you may have noticed, I’m not exactly blog-heavy at the moment and time has moved on. It left me in two minds. On the one hand, a clear consensus for… Continue reading Nick Clegg: well hung?
Category: politics and life
Reporting back from the Fabians: What not to spend
The Fabian Society kindly gave me a media registration for their new year conference and I spent last Saturday at Imperial College mingling with the Labour Party faithful. I sadly missed Gordon Brown’s morning address but sat in on two discussions: “What not to spend” – a discussion on what public spending cuts the government… Continue reading Reporting back from the Fabians: What not to spend
What I said to IPSA
My response to the Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority consultation: Question 1: Do you agree that the CSPL’s principles, supplemented as proposed, should form the basis of the new expenses system? Yes Additional comments: The public must have a right to know the specifics of expenses. This implied by “open and transparent” but MPs have for… Continue reading What I said to IPSA