Liberator has marked the launch of the Social Liberal Forum with two articles which they have kindly allowed us to republish – one by SLF Director Matthew Sowemimo and the other by Federal Policy Committee member and writer David Boyle. David is a different kind of critic from someone like Charlotte Gore. Very much “one… Continue reading The dreaded spectre of the straw Fabian
Category: politics and life
To prevent a riot, it was necessary to cause one
Very busy at the moment and haven’t had time to sit down and really work out what I think about the police handling of the protests on Wednesday. So instead, here are a few random links. First, an eye witness account by Tom Brake: Danny Finkelstein thoroughly disapproved of Brake and company doing this, as… Continue reading To prevent a riot, it was necessary to cause one
Does the London Mayoralty drive people mad?
Watching Boris Johnson’s appalling behaviour in front of a Parliamentary Select Committee today, I was reminded of someone else: Ken Livingstone circa 2006. The idea of Boris Johnson complaining about partisan attacks is simply too ironic to countenance. This was 2 April, not the day before. Is there something about the role that makes you… Continue reading Does the London Mayoralty drive people mad?