A few days ago, I quickly penned a brief article for Lib Dem Voice about a new ippr report which amounts to a paean to the database state. What the coverage about it did not mention was that the report was funded by what amounts to the ICT industry which will be the main beneficiary… Continue reading Lord Ashdown and I have words…
Category: politics and life
EXCLUSIVE! Lord Mandelson and Gideon Osborne release a single
Okay, they haven’t really. But don’t you think, in like of the whole Deripaska affair, they should do a chariddy cover version of this?
My name… is Victor*
Reading the latest issue of Tripwire this weekend, I spotted this little morsel in an interview with Paul “Human Nature” Cornell about his comic book series Captain Britain and MI-13: Tripwire: Placing it in that context lead to a cameo appearance from British Prime Minister Gordon Brown. I heard that there was also going to… Continue reading My name… is Victor*