There are a lot of things to like about Prometheus. The set design is very beautiful and feels real and physical for a film made in 2012 that is quite so reliant on CGI. Most of the performances are fine, some excellent. The world it creates is clearly much larger than the film itself, and… Continue reading The Profound Problem with Prometheus [SPOILERS]
Know your place
I’m a bit of a shy republican, but today gave me a glowing reminder of why any sane person should be one (sorry Dad). On the same day the Queen “generously” agreed to “rededicate” herself to the UK, Downing Street let it be known that the Cabinet spent their time “banging the table” to celebrate… Continue reading Know your place
Why I left the Lib Dems
On 1 November 2011, I announced on the Social Liberal Forum that I was “returning to the fold“. On 5 March 2012, I announced I was leaving the party – and thus my role in the SLF (constitutionally, only Lib Dem members can be members of the SLF). So what happened in the four months… Continue reading Why I left the Lib Dems