It has been odd watching the Labour party over the last 18 months. If ever an opposition has had a golden opportunity, it has surely been this. With the economy in a mess, any government would be forced to make tough, unpopular decisions right now. Combine that with the nature of coalition, and scoring some… Continue reading Labour Needs A Plan B
Why does the Advertising Standards Authority regulate e-petition campaigns but not referendums?
It is great to see that the Advertising Standards Authority has cracked down on Paul Staines for misleading advertising as part of his campaign in support of his death penalty e-petition. It is not immediately clear however why the ASA feels it has a regulatory role here while it doesn’t have a role in regulating… Continue reading Why does the Advertising Standards Authority regulate e-petition campaigns but not referendums?
Diane Abbott: what’s race got to do with it?
NB Sent by phone. I will add links later. The nowtrage over Diane Abbott’s twitter comment that “White people love playing ‘divide & rule’” has been entirely predictable and lamentable, with people on both sides guilty of exaggerating their positions to the point of absurdity. I’m not remotely offended by Abbott’s comment; it is simply… Continue reading Diane Abbott: what’s race got to do with it?