What part of Yes do you not understand?

A review of Don’t Take No For An Answer by Lewis Baston and Ken Ritchie (Biteback Publishing, 2011) I’ve made several attempts at writing a review of Don’t Take No For An Answer, Lewis Baston and Ken Ritchie’s review of the 2011 referendum and the ongoing campaign for electoral reform. It is a highly readable… Continue reading What part of Yes do you not understand?

Sorry Tim, but community politics is NOT about winning elections

I’ve just come out of the Lib Dem Conference debate on Community Politics. Like most of the speakers, I’m pleased it was debated and support the motion, but am wary of the idea that passing the motion in and of itself has actually achieved anything. We’ve actually been somewhere similar in the recent past. When… Continue reading Sorry Tim, but community politics is NOT about winning elections

Would the “cop in my pocket” accept a bribe from News International?

This week’s New Scientist features an article entitled Smartphone surveillance: The cop in your pocket (kerching). In it, a rather breathless Nic Fleming waxes lyrically about how, thanks to our smartphones, “we are all set to gain unprecedented crime-fighting abilities.” Sadly, however, it is not through being able to download mad martial arts skillz via… Continue reading Would the “cop in my pocket” accept a bribe from News International?