I read Anno Dracula when it first came out. It has since apparently acquired legendary status – something which slightly surprises me as I had assumed that the reason it had been out of print for so long was simply because it had been forgotten. Anyway, if you don’t know, Anno Dracula is a counterfictional… Continue reading Not a review of Anno Dracula
The DC Reboot: new dawn or twilight?
The news that DC will be rebooting its entire superhero line with issue 1s from September has been whizzing through my mind all week. It’s going to have profound ramifications, not just for the DC Universe but for the so-called comics ‘industry’ as a whole. This promises to be DC’s biggest stab of the reset… Continue reading The DC Reboot: new dawn or twilight?
Is thwarting the will of the Lords really “unconstitutional”?
The Times poll today showing that the majority of peers are not only opposed to Lords reform but feel it would be “unconstitutional” to proceed without their blessing begs an important question: in a country without a codified constitution, what on earth is “constitutional” anyway? Where the peers may have a point is that when… Continue reading Is thwarting the will of the Lords really “unconstitutional”?