Is Charles Kennedy organising a Liberal Democrat putsch?
Independent political commentator John Rentoul does a neat line in pricking the balloon of journalistic and political hyperbole with his “questions to which the answer is no” series, so it is curious that he has managed to come up with an absurd, over the top conspiracy theory almost entirely devoid of fact today. Writing about… Continue reading Is Charles Kennedy organising a Liberal Democrat putsch?
That interim peers list in full…
Hmmm… this article has opened a bit of a can of worms for me. Along with (Baroness) Liz Barker and (now Sir) David Williams, in 2004 I drafted the current rules for electing the interim peers list. Unaccountably, I am yet to receive any kind of honour myself. Earlier today, I tweeted Stephen Tall to… Continue reading That interim peers list in full…