
I wonder if there is anyone out there of a techy bent that would like to check something out for me. I am a bear of very little brain, and have been struggling to figure out how to put newsfeeds up on this blog. I kind of supposed it would be a simple few lines… Continue reading links

Meeting the Challenge 3: Political Challenges

The handout says: In addition there are specific political challenges that must be faced up to: Trust: public participation in party politics is at an all-time low, even if interest in political issues remains high. The public largely feels that it is not listened to and that ‘politicians are all the same.’ New Political Climate:… Continue reading Meeting the Challenge 3: Political Challenges


A bit of cross-party co-operation I can wholeheartedyl endorse, the Labour Land Campaign and the Liberal Democrat Association for Land Tax and Economic Reform (ALTER) have jointly published a leaflet setting out the principles of land value taxation. You can read it here (pdf) – it’ll only take a couple of minutes.