My head hurts!

Okay, so, we’ve clearly established that Lib Dem MPs are being a bit daft opposing new laws to devolve pub licensing to local authorities, right? Well, it turns out (well, it’s news to a lily livered southerner like me), that in Scotland – where they already have liberalised licensing hours – Labour have just reneged… Continue reading My head hurts!

Wacky euro-fun

I like to dip into Margot Wallstrom’s blog occasionally, especially as she seems to inspire a certain breed of loon who can’t stand the fact that a dark and shadowy Brussels bureaucrat might actually be quite open and accessible. Today though, she writes: Scotland seems to be fertile breeding ground for UK ministers… Not sure… Continue reading Wacky euro-fun

24 November 2005: the day the world officially ends

If you can’t guarantee at least denting the government’s majority a bit, why waste your time trying to annul legislation that is about to be enacted? Mark Oaten has made the solemn prediction that the Licensing Act will lead to a “Christmas crisis” (it must be so, ‘cos it alliterates), with Theresa May saying much… Continue reading 24 November 2005: the day the world officially ends