This is the sort of thing that annoys me about BBC journalism: According to the Lib Dems, 42% of schoolchildren who took part in a mock general election organised by the Hansard Society in 2,000 schools this year voted for the party. Actually, it isn’t according to the Lib Dems, it’s according to the Hansard… Continue reading Mockery
Meeting the Challenge 1: Introduction
Having gone through the Tax Commission paper, with moderate success, it’s time for me to start blogging about Meeting the Challenge, the main Lib Dem policy review. Quick Plug #1: the Meeting the Challenge review has its own website, which thus far has been woefully underused. I would encourage people to go there and add… Continue reading Meeting the Challenge 1: Introduction
Whipping exposed
This piece on Newsnight should make anyone with any democratic instincts feel queasy about how politics is conducted in Westminster.