Fictional meme letters

Okay, I got this meme from Andy Hinton (not to be confused with Alex Hilton – learned that lesson!): 1. Comment on this post. 2. I will give you a letter. 3. Think of 5 fictional characters whose names begin with that letter and post their names and your comments on these characters in your… Continue reading Fictional meme letters

The Alan Moore on a Train Meme

I’ve been watching Jonathan Ross’ In Search of Steve Ditko this evening and as I do sometimes it got me thinking. If Alan Moore sat down on a train opposite me, what would I say? Simply not talking to him wouldn’t be an option – this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to receive wisdom directly from… Continue reading The Alan Moore on a Train Meme

Which MP could this be referring to?

There are few crossovers between this blog’s twin main obsessions (2000AD and Libby Dem politics). A few years ago there was some dig at the Lib Dems in a strip called Thirteen but that’s pretty much your lot. So you takes your references where you can get them, as the accompanying panel taken from this… Continue reading Which MP could this be referring to?