The Red Seas is back – sort of. And the final showdowns begin in Button Man and Judge Dredd. Cover: Frazer Irving draws Harry Ex. Effective but quite dark, meaning it doesn’t exactly leap off the shelf at you. Spoilers ahoy!
Tag: 2000AD
Tooth Review: 1561 (obligatory spoiler warning)
Best issue in a while as the new strips get into their strides. Cover: A great painted Dredd by Boo Cook. Boo’s art has been coming on in leaps and bounds in recent years and he really captures Old Stony Face here. It’s all in the chin. Spoilers below…
Tooth Review: 1560 (obligatory spoiler warning)
Three old staples return. Dredd and Button Man are on good form as well. Cover: Nikolai Dante by Kev Crossley. Competent but nothing to blow you away. Spoilers below…