Despite the name of this blog, I seldom blog much on 2000AD-related matters. I’m going to try to start reviewing each issue from now on. That said, the last time I attempted to do this I ended up finishing Quaequam Blog! 1.0 quite soon afterwards, so the omens are not good! The Cover: Cliff Robinson… Continue reading Tooth Review: 1550
Tag: 2000AD
Thrill-Power Overload
Hopelessly late, Thrill Power Overload – the history of British comic 2000AD – finally arrived in the post yesterday. It was well worth the wait. For some reason, I wasn’t expecting a coffee-table book. I suspect the decision to produce it in this format was a relatively late one – hence the lateness and the… Continue reading Thrill-Power Overload
Silver Surfer: most un-ghafflebette?
The good thing about this article is that I can now claim this blog was inspired by a newspaper columnist, which seems so much less geeky than the alternative.